Micro Guard Pro Android Apk 3.9mb Download

Micro Guard Pro Android Apk 3.9mb Download For Android Devices

Description :
Micro Guard™ Professional Edition for Android™
★★★★★ Innovative and Microphone Blocker
★★★★★ High-Secure Microphone Protection
★★★★★ Micro Guard™ makes sure that no mod, spy or malware can listen on you.
★★★★★ Prevent spying
★★★★★ blocks and observes all apps and processes that try to access the microphone of your smartphone
★★★★★ The intelligent Deep Detective™ detects even previously unknown attacks.
★★★★★ ProtectStar™ apps are preferred by more than 1.000,000 users in 123 countries

ProtectStar's Micro Guard™ makes sure that no mod spy or malware can listen on you. With just one single click the integrated microphone of your Android™ smartphone will be completely protected.

Prevent spying
Not only millions of users, but also founder of Facebook™ Mark Zuckerberg and FBI-chief James Comey tape over the webcam and microphones of their devices.

With good reason: Everything and everybody is spied on! We know this since June 2013 when the first NSA documents were revealed by whistle-blower Edward Snowden. Since then increasingly threatening details are being constantly uncovered. But not only have mod found solutions to misuse the integrated microphones of mobile devices without a warning signal to the user, but also the latest malware is highly dangerous, because it specifically targets control of the integrated microhpone to listen on the users.

Hear nothing – For those who should not
With only one click the protection is activated and Micro Guard™ blocks and observes all programs and processes that try to access the microhpone of your smartphone. Every attempted security breach will be reported with a signal.
To further prevent manipulations, the individual settings of the software can be secured with a pin that is especially secured by a mod safe protection.

While all accesses and warnings are conveniently protocolled in the log file, the intelligent Deep Detective™ detects even previously unknown attacks.

Deep Detective™: A smart invention against (un)known threats
With the Deep Detective™ we have created an intelligent and versatile detective that observes all accesses to the Android™ device – similar to an alarm system or a firewall – only smarter.

Deep Detective™ permanently controls which process or app currently attempt to access the microphone. Additionally it reports known – and thanks to modern heuristic methods – also unknown attack attempts.
Every possibility to spy on you is proactively restricted from mod spies and Trojans.

How to Install :
1.Download & Install Apk File
No External Data is Required

Name : MicroGuardPro.apk
Size : 3.9mb
Link : Direct Download

Download MicroGuardPro.apk 3.9mb

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